From Durango, Colorado, Ian earned a dual degree in Drama and Broadcast Production from Loyola University before entering a long stretch of performing and teaching improv and sketch comedy writing. Since joining Cripple Creek in 2010, Ian’s favorite roles have included Jarville in The Future is a Fancyland Place, the Magistrate in Lysistrata and Fick in Balm in Gilead. He is a three-time Big Easy Award Nominee, and was named “Best Supporting Actor in a Drama” for his work in Balm in Gilead.
On camera, Ian has appeared in television shows, commercials, and films including 22 Jump Street, Hours, Jeff, Who Lives at Home, The Runner, Elvis and Nixon, Astronaut Wives Club, and Zoo.
On camera, Ian has appeared in television shows, commercials, and films including 22 Jump Street, Hours, Jeff, Who Lives at Home, The Runner, Elvis and Nixon, Astronaut Wives Club, and Zoo.