Jessica Lozano is a multifaceted theatre artist, arts educator and a proud member of the Cripple Creek Theatre Company. Originally from San Antonio TX, Jessica came to the city of New Orleans to study Drama at Loyola University. Upon graduating, she found a home with the Cripple Creek Theatre Company after her appearances in We Won’t Pay, We Won’t Pay and in Skin of Our Teeth.She earned praise for her comedic chops in Madwoman of Chaillot, The Ubu Trilogy, Lysistrata and blew the roof off the Allways in Marisol. Jessica directed Revolt of the beaversthe Civilian Theatre Project at Stein’s Deli.
She is currently an educator for Orleans Parish implementing free appropriate public education for Talented Theatre Arts students. Moved by the powerful city that surrounds her, she strives to create work for the community that fosters awareness of social injustices, awakens critical consciousness and engages audience members to become active citizens in a multicultural world. When not onstage, she is fond of playing with her local neighborhood kickball league K.O.C.C. , dancing with her Mardi Gras dance troupe and rolling down the street with the Krewe of Freret.
She is currently an educator for Orleans Parish implementing free appropriate public education for Talented Theatre Arts students. Moved by the powerful city that surrounds her, she strives to create work for the community that fosters awareness of social injustices, awakens critical consciousness and engages audience members to become active citizens in a multicultural world. When not onstage, she is fond of playing with her local neighborhood kickball league K.O.C.C. , dancing with her Mardi Gras dance troupe and rolling down the street with the Krewe of Freret.