A collaborative effort combining talent from Cripple Creek and Goat in the Road Productions, Major Swelling was presented first at the New Orleans Fringe Festival and then enjoyed a thoroughly sold-out second run a month later. It was said to cure “Apathy, Corruption, Greed, Dysentery, Sore Throat, Poverty, Hunger, Consumption, Anger, Cynicism, Nervousness, Vague Paranoia and Death by Rejuvenating the Blood. ”
NewOrleans.com: “Get some healin’ for what ails ya!”
Times-Pic: “An exuberant, audacious mini-musical…”
NewOrleans.com: “Get some healin’ for what ails ya!”
Times-Pic: “An exuberant, audacious mini-musical…”
The Cast
Andrew Vaught (Major Archibald Swelling)
Ross Britz (Monroe)
Emilie Whelan (Franklin)
Ian Hoch (Bobby Jindal)
Michael Gottwald (Huey P Long)
Rachel Carrico (Fran)
Nicholas Clark (Bernard)
Shannon Flaherty (Earline)
Francesca McKenzie (Lucinda)
Krista Schafer Ewbank (Jiminy)
Andrew Vaught (Major Archibald Swelling)
Ross Britz (Monroe)
Emilie Whelan (Franklin)
Ian Hoch (Bobby Jindal)
Michael Gottwald (Huey P Long)
Rachel Carrico (Fran)
Nicholas Clark (Bernard)
Shannon Flaherty (Earline)
Francesca McKenzie (Lucinda)
Krista Schafer Ewbank (Jiminy)
The Staff
Christopher Kamenstein (Director)
William Bowling (Musical Director, Composer)
Rachel Carrico (Choreography)
Jaqueline “Chex” Sindelar (Stage Manager)
Ezra Greenbride (Scenic Design)
Sophie and Scott Kosofsky (Scenic Artists)
Megan Staab and Jessica Daigle (Costume Design)
Zalia Beville (Lighting Design)
Alden Eagle (Production Manager)
Kevin McCaffery (Director of Video)
Christopher Kamenstein (Director)
William Bowling (Musical Director, Composer)
Rachel Carrico (Choreography)
Jaqueline “Chex” Sindelar (Stage Manager)
Ezra Greenbride (Scenic Design)
Sophie and Scott Kosofsky (Scenic Artists)
Megan Staab and Jessica Daigle (Costume Design)
Zalia Beville (Lighting Design)
Alden Eagle (Production Manager)
Kevin McCaffery (Director of Video)